Estrella Naranjo (Costa Rica) Coffee Beans from Redemption Roasters

Costa Rica is the source of the Estrella Naranjo beans that are now in stock online at or in person at Duck Farm Court, Aylesbury.

Redemption Roasters in Aylesbury HMYOI roast this bean expertly as part of the project to give young offenders in this institution knowledge of coffee, the roasting process and competition level barista skills.

We’ve been learning something more about the origin, production, and variety:

Producers in the Naranjo area of Costa Rica are selected to participate in the Coopro Naranjo R.L. based on the quality of their coffee.  The coops aims are to support the producers and promote sustainable production.

Strictly ripe cherries are selected through the  harvest process, and production of high quality coffee is rewarded. Farms are located between 1300 and 1700 meters above sea level.

Estrella Naranjo beans from Costa Rica have tasting notes of Apricot, Nectarine, Citrus. They are sourced from Los Robles West Valley. The ripe cherries are processed with the black honey process whereby the beans are part washed and some of the sticky substance (due to the ripeness) is left on the beans as they dry for longer.  The beans are moved at points through the drying process (stirred, raked etc). The black honey process is the most expensive, intensive, and complex process. It results in a more full bodied and flavourful taste.

The beans are arabica from the Villa Sarchi variety (Bourbon related) which is well adapted to high altitudes. And a dwarf variety tolerant of strong winds.